Could not create the java virtual

Could not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtual
Could not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtual
Could not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtualCould not create the java virtual