Darling all of the city lights

Darling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lights
Darling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lights
Darling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lightsDarling all of the city lights